Thursday 3 January 2019

Tool box talk

Tool Box talk :
- Tool box talks should be given before each shift of work by the safety officer
  - Contnts of tool box talk should include
        - Hazards present in today's work
        - control measures
         - Emergency assembly point
         - location of fire extinguishers and emergency numbers
         - Should Everyone one is fit for todays
         - finalky TBT papers shoukd be signed by everyone who has attended the tool box talk and keep it documented.

#ramkumarannathurai #safetyofficer #greenhelmet #UAE #toolboxtalk

Tool box talk

Tool Box talk :
- Tool box talks should be given before each shift of work by the safety officer
  - Contnts of tool box talk should include
        - Hazards present in today's work
        - control measures
         - Emergency assembly point
         - location of fire extinguishers and emergency numbers
         - Should Everyone one is fit for todays
         - finalky TBT papers shoukd be signed by everyone who has attended the tool box talk and keep it documented.

#ramkumarannathurai #safetyofficer #greenhelmet #UAE #toolboxtalk